Let's Keep Fish In The Sea Workbook
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Let's Keep Fish In The Sea Workbook


This is a Human Ecology Project Let's Keep Fish in the Sea Workbook

We hope you can find a group of friends and watch the video together and discuss the issues presented in it.

We have supplied some questions in the workbook to get the ball rolling if you need them, and supplied a full text of the video with references to some studies and articles if you want to carry your studies deeper.

We believe that ocean quality, use and preservation is a fundamental issue in creating a sustainable environment. Our treatment of the oceans and our attack on the non–human lives we share the planet with always ends badly.

If we are interested in creating a peaceful and healthy planet we need to think more clearly about our actions. Food, along with air and water is our biological link to the planet. Our choices are threatening all life and we must change our habits before it is too late, and TIME IS RUNNING OUT.

Remember: The Personal Is Planetary.

In good health