Sweet Cherry Ice Cream with Chocolate Sauce
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Sweet Cherry Ice Cream with Chocolate Sauce


2 cups banana, sliced

2 cups frozen sweet cherries

2 tbs plant-based milk

¼ tsp. vanilla extract 

Peel and slice the banana and freeze in a freezer bag overnight. Remove from the bag and allow the banana to sit on the counter top for a few minutes before processing. Place all the ingredients in a food processor or high-speed blender. Process until thick and creamy.

Note: If using a blender start slowly then increase the speed using the tamper to push down the frozen fruit. Increase the speed to high, continue to use the tamper by pushing the ingredients down to the blade. Blend until you reach a thick and creamy texture. You can add other berries and frozen fruits for wonderful colour and a different taste. Serve immediately with some fresh fruit and/or with the chocolate sauce. 

Quick Chocolate Sauce

¼ cup rice syrup

3 tbsp. cacao powder 

½ tsp. vanilla extract or powder

In a small bowl, mix all the ingredients together.  Pour into a squeezy bottle and use as a decorative treat for ice cream or other desserts. Keep refrigerated.