We are constantly looking for ways to expose new people
to the issues of health, diet and Human Ecology.
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Progress & Education


We are constantly looking for ways to expose new people to the issues of health, diet and Human Ecology. It is important to engage new audiences and not simply “preach to the choir”. Our reception has been very positive. As long as the message is kept simple and the presentations are filled with useful facts and practical tools, much can be done.

“Thank you so much for coming to Oxford Academy last week and bringing all your enthusiasm for veganism with you, it certainly gave the children something to think about, they are really not used to tasting 'different foods, so I must admit I was pleased with the way they worked. Thank You.

Also a really big thank you for the wonderful books you gave to the children and staff. It is an 'easy' but interesting read. I dipped into mine over the weekend and found it full of things to think about.

Thank you for giving up your time!"

Judith Brown
Teacher, Oxford Academy

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Get in touch

Please contact us if you belong to any community group or have contacts with schools that would like one of our free lectures. It is our passion and pleasure to share the good news with as many people as possible. We are also available for video presentations or conferences.