Gingered Apple Sauce with Cashew Cream and Crunchy Granola
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Gingered Apple Sauce with Cashew Cream and Crunchy Granola


Apple sauce can be made with peeled apples and a variety of spices. Flavourings or sweeteners such as rice syrup or cinnamon are also commonly added. It’s our absolute favourite dessert, straight from my jars. The sauce is equally delicious without the cream and I have been known to eat it straight from the jar.

For the apple sauce

  • 4 organic apples
  • 2 tbsp apple juice
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • 1 tsp freshly squeezed ginger juice


  • Cashew cream
  • Granola
  • Fresh apple slices

For the cashew cream

  • 1 cup cashews, soaked overnight
  • Filtered water
  • 2 medjool dates
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract

Drain the cashews and rinse with cold water. Transfer to a blender and add the dates and vanilla extract. Pour in half a cup of cold filtered water. Blend on high for 2 to 3 minutes, until very smooth and creamy. Add more water if necessary. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use. The cream will thicken as it sits.

Wash and peel the fruit, remove the cores and slice them into bite-sized chunks. Place in a pot with a little filtered water or apple juice and add a pinch of sea salt. Simmer covered on a very low heat until the fruit is soft. When the apples are cooked, either mash with a potato masher or blend to a cream with an upright or stick blender. Stir in the fresh ginger juice and serve this delicious and easy dessert topped with some cashew cream, crunchy granola and a slice of apple. Makes 8 servings.

Note: I make my own granola but for quickness you can purchase granola from your natural food store. Read the labels and look for a brand that does not add sugars.