Macrobiotics and the Microbiome
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Macrobiotics and the Microbiome

Macrobiotics and the Microbiome

Over the past twenty years there has been a consistent growth in the study of the human gut biome. We are fascinated with the idea that there is a living environment contained within us that may comprise the largest organ of the... read more »

How I Saved The World 2050

How I Saved The World 2050

I have written this short essay for submission reporting my vegan advocacy work. The nature of the competition was what one did to contribute to saving the world. The prize money (manifesting success, of course) would allow me to purchase copies of... read more »

Humans Have NO Need To Eat Animal Products

Humans Have NO Need To Eat Animal Products

Plant-based vegan diets are healthy and sustainable. This is now irrefutable since every major health institute around the world endorses this way of living. Remember, knowledge is power. Here is a useful list of links below. A vegan... read more »



At COP28 the conversation is still about money and not feeding the world. Another year, another COP meeting and the environment is back in the news.  COP stands for Convention of Parties and they do party. This gathering of... read more »



We need to reassess our relationship to the whole animal kingdom and a good place to start is with those non-humans we claim to love the most. The human love affair with dogs goes back possibly 20,000 to... read more »



Moving beyond the usual smoke and mirrors of corporate ethics toward cleaner water. We featured water in our last newsletter and here we are again, it is an on-going issue. Recent news in the UK have shown, how... read more »



The body is built to pull out what it needs from the available foods. Don’t overthink, simply get a diverse diet. The body (not the mind) chooses what to accept and what to reject. Dietary diversity is essential.... read more »

Peace, Blessings & The Best of Joy

Peace, Blessings & The Best of Joy

Dear Friends We hope this newsletter finds you well and taking care of yourself. The last three months passed so quickly as both Bill and I were busy with many different projects. However, bringing people together to share the... read more »

Society - Access to Good Food Should Be Easy

Society - Access to Good Food Should Be Easy

Consider this, there are over 800 million people who live in a state of hunger. This figure is contrasted against the 700 million who are obese. 17% of the Children in America live with food scarcity. Many industries including agriculture have contributed... read more »

Animals - Hey kids, Let’s Go to The Zoo

Animals - Hey kids, Let’s Go to The Zoo

Many American and British people are repulsed by the idea that people in China, Korea, or other parts of the world eat dogs. The practice is called a barbaric habit and uncivilized. Horsemeat is consumed in France, Belgium, and Hungary, as well... read more »

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Human Ecology Project is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization in the "USA"