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Coming Together, Working Together with Education

Coming Together, Working Together with Education

Never in modern history has there been such an interest in food and at the same time, such a lack of confidence in the basic quality of food. Today, health is an increasing concern for people around the globe. The rise of... read more »

Unravelling The Myth About Fish

Unravelling The Myth About Fish

We have written about the problems with eating fish in the past and our eBook, Let’s Keep Fish in the Sea, gives lots of details, but it’s worth addressing again.  It is amazing the number of people who still... read more »

How Society is Crossing Lines of Climate Crisis

How Society is Crossing Lines of Climate Crisis

During a speech in London this past April, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell gave a stark warning. It was his analysis that the world has only two years left to put a stop to the damage being done to the health of... read more »

Self-Empowerment Is The Road To Health

Self-Empowerment Is The Road To Health

Much of our thinking about health is about a battle between invisible and mysterious adversaries that surround us and that we need to fight. We are “fighting” heart disease, we are “battling” cancer, and we will “conquer” diabetes. Who or what are... read more »

Our School Projects Are Successful

Our School Projects Are Successful

The laughter in the classroom said it all. Success was apparent by the look on all the pupil’s faces. The biggest compliment one can receive when teaching is to witness the sheer enjoyment of those participating, and, yes, that even included some... read more »

Body Autonomy

Body Autonomy

Health is an elusive mix of the physical and the emotional, the mental and the spiritual, the individual and the social, the logical and the intuitive. It is the diversity of these factors that can make defining health a difficult task. This... read more »

The Birds & The Bees

The Birds & The Bees

The first introduction to ecological thinking for many people was The Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. It is one of the many books on our students recommendation reading list. Rachel Carsons heartfelt observations of the damage done to nature by human activity took America... read more »

The Personal is Planetary

The Personal is Planetary

As a young boy growing up in Northern California, I was blessed with the opportunity to hike and camp in the woodlands of the Sierra Nevada and coastal ranges and to roam the rugged coastal cliffs and beaches. One of the highlights... read more »

Super Bugs For Super Health - How The Microbiome Protects The Gut

Super Bugs For Super Health - How The Microbiome Protects The Gut

Did you know we are only 10 percent human? Ninety percent of our cells are nonhuman, microbial cells. Humans and our ancestors have evolved since the most ancient times with a commensal microbiota. This is the term used to describe the microbial... read more »

Great Success with Our Oxford Presentations

Great Success with Our Oxford Presentations

Dear Friends Where does the time go? In the blink of an eye, the first quarter of 2024 seemed to pass very quickly. However, we are delighted to share that we are making great inroads with our educational programmes.  read more »

Registered Charity Number 1201615 (UK)
Human Ecology Project is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization in the "USA"