Our School Projects Are Successful

The laughter in the classroom said it all. Success was apparent by the look on all the pupil’s faces. The biggest compliment one can receive when teaching is to witness the sheer enjoyment of those participating, and, yes, that even included some of the teachers. The head teacher was delighted and asked Bill and me to return to teach a longer programme. This was music to our ears.
The practical session was fun and informative in both the schools where we recently presented our Human Ecology Project. My vegan burgers went down a treat and the pupils were very proud of their cooking skills.
Foundational Teachings
We answered many questions about what food is. It seems such a simple question, but when you delve into it, boy, does it open the door to a great conversation? My answer is always the same. That depends on what species we are talking about. What organism? Food can be defined as a substance that, when ingested, can be incorporated into flesh and blood. So, what the food is surely must be relative to the organism we are discussing.
The saying that one man’s meat is another man’s poison only applies between species. It doesn’t apply within the same species. Horses need what horses need; all chipmunks need what they need, and humans need what humans need. Humans thrive on a wholefood plant-based vegan diet of grains, beans, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. These are the foods that are the foundation of our Human Ecology Diet.
We Lose A Beloved Friend and Colleague
We were saddened to hear that Dr John McDougall, a dear friend, colleague, advisory board member and avid supporter of our Human Ecology Project had passed peacefully at his home. Dr McDougall was a physician, speaker, and best-selling author who taught the importance of a whole food, starch-based diet to halt, reverse and heal chronic disease. We will miss you, John, thank you for your 60 years of incredible education sharing the truth with the world. RIP.
Video Interviews & Podcasts
We are always thrilled to share some wonderful words of wisdom from our advisory board. Enjoy these interviews with Dr. Sailesh Rao and Dr. Will Tuttle. Their presentations can be viewed on our YouTube Channel or listened to or viewed on our spotify channel.
It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to share our passion for a healthy world with you. Our main objective is always to educate in a fun and engaging way. The situation is not hopeless, there is much we can do to bring about change. A vegan world is what drives us both daily. Food is the central point for all living creatures.
Education is the most powerful tool we possess to assist us in moving toward a vegan world. Non-violent, peaceful presentations and bringing people together is the way forward.
In good health