Coming Together, Working Together with Education

Never in modern history has there been such an interest in food and at the same time, such a lack of confidence in the basic quality of food. Today, health is an increasing concern for people around the globe. The rise of chronic illnesses affects not only individuals and families but also society as a whole. We are creatures of habit.
Those habits are influenced by family, society and a complex web of personal experiences. It is a combination of practical life skills, education and the desire to change that will point us in the direction of a greater experience of well-being.
Community Outreach
Body autonomy is an essential tool for creating a healthy society. The educational programmes that we have been teaching in schools cover the health philosophies of ancient cultures and indigenous people where we can observe ideas that were completely based on understanding the relationship of individuals to the natural and social environments.
This ancient wisdom has been lost and must be resurrected. There is much work to do on this topic and we plan to continue to reach as many schools and community centres as possible. Sharing our free programmes, including a short cooking session, is education at its best. The feedback has been fantastic.
Being ‘normal’ when society is so sick is not a good action plan. When we look at society as a whole, what we see is unfortunately taken as a group we are not very healthy. This is not only a personal issue; it is reflected in the emotional and physical effects of disease on families and society.
In good health