Positive Vibes
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Positive Vibes

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As we head towards Spring, Bill and I are filled with even more passion coupled with positive thoughts and feelings to bring about much needed change. The most important thing we can do to help the fragility of the planet is to get healthy, to take personal responsibility for our health by looking at our food choices should be our number one priority.

Choose The Right Fuel For Our Species

What we choose to eat has also emerged as the most driving force of climate change. This problem is not separated from the steady rise in non-communicable disease. Our focus as always will be on the creation of healthy solutions for human and non-human life on our planet. The fact that we have the power to promote our own health, simply by choosing the right fuel for our species: whole, plant-based food is an absolute gift. By choosing food for our own health, we are also laying the groundwork of hope for the health of our ecosystem that sustains all life on Earth.

Of all the issues that call for our attention, the issue of food is on the leading edge. There is no question about the fact that food production is one of the primary challenges to a sustainable future. This fact gains even more importance given the rapid rise in population, putting a strain on our planetary resources. Some of the solutions to this problem lie in the hands of women.  It is women who make the majority of health and nutrition decisions. It is women who can empower healthy solutions.

Experience Matters

Bill and I have worked in the field of health, environmental and ecology for 90 years combined. We have a duty as teachers, health counsellors and authors to continue to educate. Our personal clients have included women (and men) from all corners of society from Royal Families and business leaders to lawyers and doctors. We have offered workshops and seminars in America, Europe, Australia and the UK  focused on nutrition and human ecology.

Ancient Wisdom

We have a tendency to think that ‘modern’ is always best, but this is not always the case. Our collective ancestors prized some traditions that are especially important for living a healthy life. Some of these had to do with food selection or preparation, and some addressed our way of thinking. We have all we need in abundance to live a long happy and healthy life.

As we head towards new beginnings with the healing energy of Spring it's good to reflect and know we are all in this together. Planting seeds that bring us health remind us that there is nothing new under the sun. We have all we need to live a long, happy and healthy life. The answer is to go vegan and educate as many people as we can to do the same.

We send you our warmest wishes for a happy, healthy and peaceful Spring and invite you to join us in service for a healthy world for humans and nonhumans alike. Thank you for supporting our work.

In good health

Registered Charity Number 1201615 (UK)
Human Ecology Project is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization in the "USA"