Tag: "human ecology"

A Warm Welcome To Our Human Ecology Diet.
Health, food and our planet alongside my love of animals are at the heart of everything I do on a daily basis. Since I was old enough to remember, my love of food and cooking has brought me the greatest joy. I became interested in... read more »

Ending World Hunger
Impact of food choices on world hunger As you are probably aware, many health experts are concerned about the short- and long-term impacts of fluctuating food prices and inconsistent food supplies. In the period immediately following food price hikes, poor families who are already struggling... read more »

Food For Our Future
What we eat is one of the most important relationships we have to the environment. It seems that we have forgotten that simple fact. Food is often seen as something manufactured and not a product of nature. We want to shine a little light... read more »

Summer Solstice Tips
Summer Living - Take It Easy The summer solstice (or estival solstice), also known as midsummer, occurs when one of the Earth's poles has its maximum tilt toward the Sun. It happens twice yearly, once in each read more »

The Ecological Kitchen
No one really knows when humans started cooking their food, but one thing is sure: every culture did it. For over a million years we have been learning the magic of food and fire. It doesn’t matter if you live in the frozen north... read more »

What Is A Vegan Diet?
A Vegan diet and Veganism can mean very different things. A Vegan diet can simply mean avoiding all animal foods. Many vegan diets consist of heavily processed foods and are not necessarily based around the principles of using food to create good health. Veganism is defined... read more »