The Human Ecology Diet - What To Eat Workbook
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Tag: "feed the world"

Creating Change  Starts Here

Creating Change Starts Here

I believe that it is by the actions of individuals and families that change happens. Therefore, I strongly support the ethos of starting with whatever you have right now that will create change. It can be as simple as sowing a seed in a... read more »

Food For Our Future

Food For Our Future

What we eat is one of the most important relationships we have to the environment. It seems that we have forgotten that simple fact. Food is often seen as something manufactured and not a product of nature.  We want to shine a little light... read more »

The Deeper Meaning of Health

The Deeper Meaning of Health

Ancient wisdom for modern times has never been needed more than right now. Mother Earth is a common representation of our planet that focuses on the life-giving and nurturing aspects of nature, the source of every life. As women, we are the nurturers of human... read more »

What Is A Vegan Diet?

What Is A Vegan Diet?

A Vegan diet and Veganism can mean very different things. A Vegan diet can simply mean avoiding all animal foods. Many vegan diets consist of heavily processed foods and are not necessarily based around the principles of using food to create good health. Veganism is defined... read more »

The Human Ecology Diet - What To Eat Workbook

The Human Ecology Diet - What To Eat Workbook

Download our free eBook The Human Ecology Diet - What To Eat Workbook We are passionate about sharing our work with the world through our Human Ecology Project. Our series of free eBooks will continue to grow over the coming months. Human health drives... read more »

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Human Ecology Project is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization in the "USA"