Veganic Farming Is The Future
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Veganic Farming Is The Future

Veganic Farming Is The Future

At this point in time veganic sustainable agriculture must become the future. Small-scale farmers are vital to domestic food security and have a guaranteed and growing market for staple crops. The UK produces 24% less food than it consumes and will be in dire straits... read more »

Eating For A Healthy Planet

Eating For A Healthy Planet

The debate about agriculture and nutrition has become centred on the conflict between organic agriculture and the GMO/agribusiness approach. There are several issues at stake: the direct health effects of chemicals in the food supply, the capacity of different farming methods to feed the... read more »

A Warm Welcome To Our Human Ecology Diet.

A Warm Welcome To Our Human Ecology Diet.

Health, food and our planet alongside my love of animals are at the heart of everything I do on a daily basis. Since I was old enough to remember, my love of food and cooking has brought me the greatest joy. I became interested in... read more »

Summer Solstice Tips

Summer Solstice Tips

Summer Living - Take It Easy The summer solstice (or estival solstice), also known as midsummer, occurs when one of the Earth's poles has its maximum tilt toward the Sun. It happens twice yearly, once in each read more »

Omega 3, Diet & Lifestyle Factors Influencing Brain Health

Omega 3, Diet & Lifestyle Factors Influencing Brain Health

Our friend and colleague Dr. Tim Radak is one of our advisory board members of our Human Ecology Project. Dr. Radak has a masters and doctorate in Public Health Nutrition from the leading university for vegetarian science and nutrition, read more »

Food For Our Future

Food For Our Future

What we eat is one of the most important relationships we have to the environment. It seems that we have forgotten that simple fact. Food is often seen as something manufactured and not a product of nature.  We want to shine a little light... read more »

Animal Agriculture = 87% of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Animal Agriculture = 87% of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

We should all be concerned about climate change, future pandemics and the devastation that we see globally. Past climate changes led to extinction of many species, population migrations, and pronounced changes in the land surface and ocean circulation. The speed... read more »

Living With The Seasons

Living With The Seasons

What does this mean?  It simply means that we must live and work in perfect harmony with nature.  When we live and work against the laws of nature we experience dis-ease within the body. When we watch nature’s energy rising and falling through each... read more »

Earth Day is Everyday

Earth Day is Everyday

The 22nd April each year is promoted to honour the planet. However, here at our Human Ecology Project we are diligently working 365 days a year to raise awareness of the key environmental issues that desperately need addressing. Earth Day is widely recognised as the... read more »

Red Lentil Koftas with Vegan Sour Cream

Red Lentil Koftas with Vegan Sour Cream

Overconsumption and overproduction of meat has given rise to the inhumane factory farm, which cause the death and suffering of billions of animals and consequently has put huge threats on the planet and our health. We offer hope for a healthier future through our educational... read more »

Registered Charity Number 1201615 (UK)
Human Ecology Project is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization in the "USA"