Red Lentil Koftas with Vegan Sour Cream
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Red Lentil Koftas with Vegan Sour Cream

Red Lentil Koftas with Vegan Sour Cream

Overconsumption and overproduction of meat has given rise to the inhumane factory farm, which cause the death and suffering of billions of animals and consequently has put huge threats on the planet and our health. We offer hope for a healthier future through our educational... read more »

Let's Keep Fish In The Sea

Let's Keep Fish In The Sea

It is our passion and pleasure to share our third short movie from our Human Ecology Project. Bill and I decided to create these short movies covering different topics that are crucial to our survival as a species.  The ocean is perhaps the... read more »

It's Spring, It's New, It's Wonderful & Powerful

It's Spring, It's New, It's Wonderful & Powerful

Spring is a truly glorious time and my most favourite season of the year. All that has been lying dormant during the winter months is now beginning to stir and wake up after a rest and burst forth with new life and colour. As... read more »

Gut Health & Mental Strength

Gut Health & Mental Strength

I have been a ‘serious’ gardener (inside and out) since my teens. When I teach my Internal Gardening Workshop, I do not talk about houseplants, I refer to gut maintenance. I have been using seaweed and miso in my diet since my teens and... read more »

How To Eat Right & Save The Planet

How To Eat Right & Save The Planet

Squirrels don’t gather to discuss if they should try a little meat in their diet. Lions don’t debate veganism. But we humans chop and change our diets all the time. So exactly how do we make food choices? It seems that cultural habit, taste, and... read more »

Fish & Fish Oils are Not Health Food

Fish & Fish Oils are Not Health Food

This week's blog post comes from one of our fantastic advisory board panel, Dr. Tim Radak. Dr. Radaks' recent presentation is a must-see and his post below is packed with invaluable information sharing the truth on fish and fish oil. As a... read more »

Crisis In Our Ocean - The Climate Change Impact

Crisis In Our Ocean - The Climate Change Impact

Dr. Bruce Monger is one of our Advisory Board members and an incredible gifted teacher. Climate change can be complicated and difficult to understand, given its many nuances. In his course, Dr. Monger teaches students the basic framework of climate change issues, which... read more »

Creating Change  Starts Here

Creating Change Starts Here

I believe that it is by the actions of individuals and families that change happens. Therefore, I strongly support the ethos of starting with whatever you have right now that will create change. It can be as simple as sowing a seed in a... read more »

Weight Loss Nature's Way

Weight Loss Nature's Way

This is a Human Ecology Project Weight Loss Nature's Way Workbook Studies from 2022 show that over one billion people are affected by obesity. If you, your friends, family or colleagues find themselves in this situation, please share this video... read more »

The Deeper Meaning of Health

The Deeper Meaning of Health

Ancient wisdom for modern times has never been needed more than right now. Mother Earth is a common representation of our planet that focuses on the life-giving and nurturing aspects of nature, the source of every life. As women, we are the nurturers of human... read more »

Registered Charity Number 1201615 (UK)
Human Ecology Project is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization in the "USA"